Important Swimming Pool Pet Safety Tips

12 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Are you a pet owner who has a swimming pool? Although fun, a swimming pool can be dangerous for your beloved pet. Are you wondering how to help prevent costly trips to the animal hospital this summer? Here are some ways to help keep them safe and out of danger:

Purchase a dog life vest: If you are like many dog owners, your dog may hate baths but love swimming pools. Unfortunately, dogs aren't able to communicate when they're starting to get tired and need to get out of the pool. They may also see that you're still in the pool and refuse to leave your side. As a result, a dog can start to cramp and slip under the water before you realize that they are in trouble. Even if you manage to pull them out in time, you will need to take them to an emergency animal hospital in order to diagnose and treat a potential case of dry or secondary drowning. By putting your dog in a flotation device before entering the pool, you can be secure in the knowledge that their head will be above water even if they tire.

Have fresh water available pool-side: Many dogs and cats may see nothing wrong with hydrating themselves from the pool. It is, after all, a large body of water. While an occasional drink may not harm your pet, making a habit of it can result in a trip to the animal hospital. The chlorine and other chemicals used in a pool can cause mild problems, like stomach upset and vomiting, or it may lead to more serious issues, like internal chemical burns. Just because a pool is safe to swim in, that doesn't make it safe for your pet to drink. Providing fresh water for your pet, and showing them where it is, will help to eliminate their desire to drink the pool water in the first place.

Make sure your pool is fenced: If you don't have children, you may think it's silly to put up a pool fence. However, dogs and cats can both get over-excited and jump into or fall into a pool. Even if they have been in the pool many times before, they may panic and forget where the steps are. They may keep trying to escape from the deep end and not make it out before they're exhausted. In order to prevent a tragic accident, you will need to use a fence that your pet will be unable to squeeze under or through. Many child-safe fences have bars that are far enough apart for small to medium-sized animals to squeeze through. If your pool fence company doesn't offer animal-safe fences, you can make your regular pool fence safer by using chicken wire or a similar fencing material. Use a wire fencing that is about half as tall as your pool fence, in order to prevent your pets from simply jumping over it. Use wire ties every foot or two, in order to prevent your cat or dog from being able to pry the wire fencing loose and slip underneath.

For more information on how to keep your pet safe, call a professional like those at Lamb's Gap Animal Hospital
