What To Do If Your Dog Is Hit By A Car

5 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

As a dog owner, you do what you can to keep your dog contained in your backyard or other space where they cannot get hurt. However, sometimes accidents, like leaving the gate open or the dog breaking free from its leash do occur. If this should happen and a car hits your dog, there are some things you can do to help. This guide explains the quick action you must take to help your dog, or anyone else's for that matter, if a vehicle strikes him or her.

Step 1: Muzzle the Dog

Use a shirt or belt to muzzle the dog's mouth closed. The only exception to muzzling is if your dog is vomiting. Muzzling a vomiting dog can lead to choking. If there is no vomit, muzzle the injured dog immediately.

The trauma of being hit by a car causes your dog to be reduced to its most basic instinct of defensiveness, biting. Even the gentlest dog could lash out when it is in extreme pain. So, follow this important first step to prevent yourself from getting injured, making an already bad situation worse.

Step 2: Get the Dog Off the Road

Slide the dog onto a blanket, and then drag him or her off the road. Don't lift the dog up very high since this may cause further injury to broken bones.

Step 3: Keep the Dog Warm

Use another blanket, towel, or jacket to cover your dog. Since the dog is in shock, his or her body temperature could be erratic or drop quickly. As you're covering the dog don't tuck the blanket around him or her too tightly to avoid any painful areas.

Step 4: Splint Any Broken Bones

If you can tell that bones are broken, splint them as best as you can. Use a magazine or newspaper to wrap the broken bone and keep it straight. Keep in mind that this will probably be painful for your dog. Make sure the muzzle is tightly secured and that you're aware of the possibility of being scratched.

Step 5: Get to the Animal Hospital

Contact an animal hospital like Denville Animal Hospital and inform them of the situation. Some animal hospitals offer ambulance services and that may be your best option, depending on the severity of your dog's injuries. If no such service is available, call someone to help you transport the dog to the nearest vet.

Quick action and a calm demeanor are necessary during this type of pet emergency. The faster you put these steps into action, the better the chance your furry friend has of a full recovery. Ask your local animal hospital for more first aid ideas for your pet. 
